Ministry & Personnel Team
Our Role
The Ministry and Personnel (M&P) committee reports to Church Council and at the heart of our responsibilities is the requirement to be a consultative and supportive body for members and adherents of the congregation, and our staff. Our task, in part, is to ensure there is a climate within the congregation that supports our mission. We oversee the relationships of our ministry team and staff with you as a congregation.
Our official duties are spelled out in the United Church of Canada manual and many of the matters we address are found within United Church of Canada policies and contracts with our ministry team, typically referred to as Calls. A comprehensive Personnel Policy approved by Council also guides our deliberations.
It is our intention to familiarize the congregation with our role, and the nature of our employment relationships with staff, via a series of monthly newsletter articles.
The M&P Committee believes it is important to continually acknowledge the work of our staff; work that is undertaken within a busy and complex environment. We are thankful for the dedication and commitment of our ministry team and our lay staff.
A “Corporate” Church
Woodlawn United Church is of a size (membership and financially) to be designated a “corporate church.” In a corporate church environment the role of the clergy may take on a different appearance than in a smaller United Church with a single minister.
We as an M&P committee are mindful of the pressures on our staff as they meet the vast array of needs in our large congregation. The role of our Ministers here at Woodlawn is not to undertake the total of all pastoral visits, all preaching, attend all meetings, and visit every household. Rather, their major role is to empower us as members of Woodlawn, to work together in ministry, to carry out those roles.
Vacation and Other Leaves
All staff members consult with the M&P Committee to plan their annual vacation time, and that schedule is reported to Council. The length of vacation time is set in the original Terms of Call or Contract. In our consultations we attempt to balance operational requirements with typical employee vacation times.
Study Leaves
Continuing education dates for staff are set in consultation with the M&P Committee. The focus of study leaves is also discussed including the potential benefits to the congregation as a whole. Where practical, and again where operational requirements permit, we encourage staff to attach some vacation time to a study leave.
Sabbatical leave for ministry personnel is a planned time of at least three consecutive months of paid leave. Unlike other congregations, we are not required to replace staff while they are on leave.
Sunday’s Free of Preaching
The Terms of Call for Ministers typically enable them to be free of preaching responsibilities every tenth Sunday. This component of the call was inserted to acknowledge the heavy workload at Woodlawn.
To communicate with the M&P committee, please call the office for contact information.
Woodlawn United Church is a significant organization and, like other organizations, has the full range of responsibilities pertaining to the oversight, supervision, and health and wellness of its employees.